Results for 'G. A. Richardson'

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  1.  5
    Economic Theory.G. B. Richardson - 2006 - Routledge.
    In these two volumes, David P. Levine undertakes the systematic clarification and further development of the theoretical contributions of classical political economy. It focuses on such central issues in economic theory as: * need, value and exchange * capital and its production * the concept of labour * growth * the firm * price determination. Throughout the treatment is at a high level of abstraction.
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    The Bane of “inhumane” weapons and overkill: An overview of increasingly lethal arms and the inadequacy of regulatory controls.Jacques G. Richardson - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (4):667-692.
    Weapons of both defense and offense have grown steadily in their effectiveness—especially since the industrial revolution. The mass destruction of humanity, by parts or in whole, became reality with the advent of toxic agents founded on chemistry and biology or nuclear weapons derived from physics. The military’s new non-combat roles, combined with a quest for non-lethal weapons, may change the picture in regard to conventional defense establishments but are unlikely to deter bellicose tyrants or the new terrorists from using the (...)
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    The Chronology of Eusebius.G. W. Richardson - 1925 - Classical Quarterly 19 (2):94-100.
    Mr. Norman H. Baynes thinks that the conclusions which I reached in my essay on the ‘Chronology of the Ninth Book of the Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius’ are ‘difficult to believe.’ That is due, he says, to the fact that I based my reconstruction ‘on one of the most doubtful sections of that book’—that in which Eusebius states that the Emperor Maximin wrote his letter to Sabinus after he received the ‘Edict of Milan.’ From it I inferred that the letter (...)
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    Spectral Resting-State EEG (rsEEG) in Chronic Aphasia Is Reliable, Sensitive, and Correlates With Functional Behavior.Sarah G. H. Dalton, James F. Cavanagh & Jessica D. Richardson - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    We investigated spectral resting-state EEG in persons with chronic stroke-induced aphasia to determine its reliability, sensitivity, and relationship to functional behaviors. Resting-state EEG has not yet been characterized in this population and was selected given the demonstrated potential of resting-state investigations using other neuroimaging techniques to guide clinical decision-making. Controls and persons with chronic stroke-induced aphasia completed two EEG recording sessions, separated by approximately 1 month, as well as behavioral assessments of language, sensorimotor, and cognitive domains. Power in the classic (...)
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    Bringing Intersectionality to the Fore in COVID-19.Suze G. Berkhout & Lisa Richardson - 2022 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 15 (1):159-161.
    It was an afternoon in the early stages of the pandemic when Lisa Richardson and I ran into each other at the hospital coffee line. Standing six feet apart and decked out in masks, scrub caps, and face shields, we were almost unrecognizable to one another and to ourselves. The pandemic was of course top of mind, but our conversation quickly turned to what was being articulated about the pandemic and why it was being heralded as a "disaster for (...)
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    From agency/empowerment to embodied empowerment.Mary Sue Richardson - 1994 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 14 (1):79-82.
    Comments on the agency papers by B. D. Slife , M. Gergen , R. N. Williams , and G. S. Howard . In response to these papers, M. S. Richardson states that the construct of agency/empowerment is replaced with embodied empowerment, the idea of which needs to be developed in a moral concept. 2012 APA, all rights reserved).
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  7. An ethical framework for global vaccine allocation.Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Govind Persad, Adam Kern, Allen E. Buchanan, Cecile Fabre, Daniel Halliday, Joseph Heath, Lisa M. Herzog, R. J. Leland, Ephrem T. Lemango, Florencia Luna, Matthew McCoy, Ole F. Norheim, Trygve Ottersen, G. Owen Schaefer, Kok-Chor Tan, Christopher Heath Wellman, Jonathan Wolff & Henry S. Richardson - 2020 - Science 1:DOI: 10.1126/science.abe2803.
    In this article, we propose the Fair Priority Model for COVID-19 vaccine distribution, and emphasize three fundamental values we believe should be considered when distributing a COVID-19 vaccine among countries: Benefiting people and limiting harm, prioritizing the disadvantaged, and equal moral concern for all individuals. The Priority Model addresses these values by focusing on mitigating three types of harms caused by COVID-19: death and permanent organ damage, indirect health consequences, such as health care system strain and stress, as well as (...)
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    W. Salmon and G. Wolters (eds) Logic, Language, and the Structure of Scientific Theories. University of Pittsburgh Press and Universitatsverlag Konstanz, 1994, cloth $59.95. [REVIEW]Alan Richardson - 1995 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46 (4):617-620.
    Reports of the demise of logical empiricism appear to have been greatly exaggerated. This is certainly the feeling one gets in reading the essays of this volume. The occasion for the papers was a joint Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium in honour of the Centennial of Hans Reichenbach and Rudolf Carnap in Konstanz in May 1991. This conference was also the occasion for the University of Konstanz to grant an honorary Doctor of Philosophy degree to Carl Hempel. Thus, the conference served to honour (...)
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  9. Fair domestic allocation of monkeypox virus countermeasures.Govind Persad, R. J. Leland, Trygve Ottersen, Henry S. Richardson, Carla Saenz, G. Owen Schaefer & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2023 - Lancet Public Health 8 (5):e378–e382.
    Countermeasures for mpox (formerly known as monkeypox), primarily vaccines, have been in limited supply in many countries during outbreaks. Equitable allocation of scarce resources during public health emergencies is a complex challenge. Identifying the objectives and core values for the allocation of mpox countermeasures, using those values to provide guidance for priority groups and prioritisation tiers, and optimising allocation implementation are important. The fundamental values for the allocation of mpox countermeasures are: preventing death and illness; reducing the association between death (...)
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    An Evaluation of Machine-Learning Methods for Predicting Pneumonia Mortality.Gregory F. Cooper, Constantin F. Aliferis, Richard Ambrosino, John Aronis, Bruce G. Buchanon, Richard Caruana, Michael J. Fine, Clark Glymour, Geoffrey Gordon, Barbara H. Hanusa, Janine E. Janosky, Christopher Meek, Tom Mitchell, Thomas Richardson & Peter Spirtes - unknown
    This paper describes the application of eight statistical and machine-learning methods to derive computer models for predicting mortality of hospital patients with pneumonia from their findings at initial presentation. The eight models were each constructed based on 9847 patient cases and they were each evaluated on 4352 additional cases. The primary evaluation metric was the error in predicted survival as a function of the fraction of patients predicted to survive. This metric is useful in assessing a model’s potential to assist (...)
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    Dana-Farber cancer institute ethics Rounds: Life-threatening illness and the desire to adopt.Margaret Olivia Little, Walter V. Moczynski, Paul G. Richardson & Steven Joffe - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (4):385-393.
    : Originally presented during Ethic Rounds at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, this commentary on the case of a patient treated for life-threatening cancer explores the responsibilities of health care providers when addressing the patient's desire to adopt a child.
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    Nikolay Milkov and Volker Peckhaus, eds. The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism. [REVIEW]Alan Richardson - 2015 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 5 (1):174-77.
    This is an important volume for rounding out our understanding of the origins and dimensions of the logical empiricist project. While the existence of a Berlin wing of logical empiricism—personified principally in Hans Reichenbach and Carl G. Hempel—has been well known, in the recent reappraisal literature the spotlight has been firmly on the Vienna Circle. [...] The essays give an expansive sense of the German-Berlin context of the work of not only Reichenbach and Hempel but also their philosophical colleagues Kurt (...)
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  13. Probabilistic coherence, logical consistency, and Bayesian learning: Neural language models as epistemic agents.Gregor Betz & Kyle Richardson - 2023 - PLoS ONE 18 (2).
    It is argued that suitably trained neural language models exhibit key properties of epistemic agency: they hold probabilistically coherent and logically consistent degrees of belief, which they can rationally revise in the face of novel evidence. To this purpose, we conduct computational experiments with rankers: T5 models [Raffel et al. 2020] that are pretrained on carefully designed synthetic corpora. Moreover, we introduce a procedure for eliciting a model’s degrees of belief, and define numerical metrics that measure the extent to which (...)
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    On computational and behavioral evidence regarding Hebbian transcortical cell assemblies.Michael Spivey, Mark Andrews & Daniel Richardson - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):302-302.
    Pulvermüller restricts himself to an unnecessarily narrow range of evidence to support his claims. Evidence from neural modeling and behavioral experiments provides further support for an account of words encoded as transcortical cell assemblies. A cognitive neuroscience of language must include a range of methodologies (e.g., neural, computational, and behavioral) and will need to focus on the on-line processes of real-time language processing in more natural contexts.
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    the Provisions Of Oxford: A Forgotten Document And Some Comments.H. G. Richardson & G. O. Sayles - 1933 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 17 (2):291-321.
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    Political action in nursing and medical codes of ethics.Ryan Essex, Lydia Mainey, Jess Dillard-Wright & Sarah Richardson - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12658.
    Political action has a long history in the health workforce. There are multiple historical examples, from civil disobedience to marches and even sabotage that can be attributed to health workers. Such actions remain a feature of the healthcare community to this day; their status with professional and regulatory bodies is far less clear, however. This has created uncertainty for those undertaking such action, particularly those who are engaged in what could be termed ‘contentious’ forms of action. This study explored how (...)
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  17.  46
    Why (and when) clinicians compel treatment of anorexia nervosa patients.Terry Carney, David Tait, Stephen Touyz & Alice Richardson - unknown
    OBJECTIVE: This paper addresses the question of the circumstances which lead clinicians to use legal coercion in the management of patients with severe anorexia nervosa, and explores similarities and differences between such formal coercion and other forms of 'strong persuasion' in patient management. METHOD: Logistic regression and other statistical analysis was undertaken on 75 first admissions for anorexia nervosa from a sample of 117 successive admissions to an eating disorder facility in New South Wales, Australia, where an eating disorder was (...)
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  18.  51
    Identity, politics, and the pandemic: Why is COVID-19 a disaster for feminism(s)?Suze G. Berkhout & Lisa Richardson - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4):1-6.
    COVID-19 has been called “a disaster for feminism” for numerous reasons. In this short piece, we make sense of this claim, drawing on intersectional feminism to understand why an analysis that considers gender alone is inadequate to address both the risks and consequences of COVID-19.
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    Body Image Concerns in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: A Longitudinal Study.Melissa Henry, Justine G. Albert, Saul Frenkiel, Michael Hier, Anthony Zeitouni, Karen Kost, Alex Mlynarek, Martin Black, Christina MacDonald, Keith Richardson, Marco Mascarella, Gregoire B. Morand, Gabrielle Chartier, Nader Sadeghi, Christopher Lo & Zeev Rosberger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveHead and neck cancer treatments are known to significantly affect functionality and appearance, leading to an increased risk for body image disturbances. Yet, few longitudinal studies exist to examine body image in these patients. Based on a conceptual model, the current study aimed to determine, in patients newly diagnosed with HNC: the prevalence, level, and course of body image concerns; correlates of upon cancer diagnosis body image concerns; predictors of immediate post-treatment body image concerns; and association between body image concerns (...)
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    Assessing Team Effectiveness by How Players Structure Their Search in a First‐Person Multiplayer Video Game.Patrick Nalepka, Matthew Prants, Hamish Stening, James Simpson, Rachel W. Kallen, Mark Dras, Erik D. Reichle, Simon G. Hosking, Christopher Best & Michael J. Richardson - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (10):e13204.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 10, October 2022.
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  21.  41
    Worlds ancient and modern - G.s. Aldrete, A. aldrete the long shadow of antiquity. What have the greeks and Romans done for us? Pp. XII + 365, ills. London and new York: Continuum, 2012. Cased, £25. Isbn: 978-1-4411-6247-2. [REVIEW]Edmund Richardson - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (2):615-616.
  22. Twentieth Century Bible Commentary.G. Henton Davies, Alan Richardson & Charles L. Wallis - 1955
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  23. Medical ethics, clinical judgment, and cognitive science: a critique of Wright’s Means, Ends, and Medical Care: H. G. Wright, Means, Ends and Medical Care, Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, 2007, 179 pp, $129.00, ISBN 978-1-4020-5291-0. [REVIEW]J. Douglas Rabb & J. Michael Richardson - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (6):419-422.
  24.  76
    Specifying Rights: the Case of TRIPS.G. Collste - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (1):63-69.
    The TRIPS agreement has been widely discussed. Critics have accused it to favour property rights at the cost of public health in AIDS-stricken development countries. In this article, the conflict between on the one hand Intellectual Property Rights and on the other a right to subsistence is analysed with the help of a method for specification. The rationalization of TRIPS and its amendments raises two questions for ethics, one normative and one meta-ethical. First, which right has priority: the right to (...)
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    Libertas and Facetus.W. J. N. Rudd, G. J. De Vries, L. J. D. Richardson & W. Den Boer - 1957 - Mnemosyne 10 (4):319-339.
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    Hymns - A. C. Cassio, G. Cerri (edd.): L'inno tra rituale e letteratura nel mondo antico. Atti di un colloquio Napoli 21–24 ottobre 1991. (Annali dell'Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli). Pp. 312. Rome: Gruppo Editoriale Internazionale, 1991. Paper. [REVIEW]N. J. Richardson - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (1):54-56.
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  27. Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought.William J. Richardson, Gottfried Martin, K. J. Norcott & P. G. Lucas - 1963 - Philosophy 40 (154):357-360.
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    Hammurabi's Laws: Text, Translation and Glossary.G. B. & M. E. J. Richardson - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (1):178.
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    An Oxford teacher of the fifteenth century.H. G. Richardson - 1939 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 23 (2):436-457.
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    Commentary on the Rule of St. Augustine.Robert Richardson & G. G. Coulton - 1935 - Printed at the University Press by T. And A. Constable for the Scottish History Society.
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    Doubly Gifted: The Author as Visual Artist.John Adkins Richardson & Kathleen G. Hjerter - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (4):160.
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    “john Of Gaunt And The Parliamentary Representation Of Lancashire,”.H. G. Richardson - 1938 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 22 (1):175.
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    Ratios of specific heat and high-frequency viscosities in organic liquids under pressure, derived from ultrasonic propagation.E. G. Richardson & R. I. Tait - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (16):441-454.
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    Serious misapplications of military research: Dysfunction between conception and implementation.Jacques G. Richardson - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (3):347-364.
    Researchers and technologists involved in the development of weapon systems can take their work to such extremes as to cause unplanned injury or death to others and lasting damage to the environment, reviewed here. In some cases innocent human casualties and ecological harm may actually be programmed and achieved. An analysis is proffered, attributing blame, and indicating efforts to correct the situation. The ethics involved are “complexified”, moral boundaries are exceeded, and humanity is transgressed as it develops solutions to the (...)
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    Teaching Modern Languages.G. Richardson - 1984 - British Journal of Educational Studies 32 (2):189-190.
  36.  11
    the Morrow Of The Great Charter.H. G. Richardson - 1944 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 28 (2):422-443.
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    “the Morrow Of The Great Charter: An Addendum,”.H. G. Richardson - 1945 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 29 (1):184-200.
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    Detecting Genuine and Deliberate Displays of Surprise in Static and Dynamic Faces.Mircea Zloteanu, Eva G. Krumhuber & Daniel C. Richardson - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  39. Institutionally Divided Moral Responsibility*: HENRY S. RICHARDSON.Henry S. Richardson - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (2):218-249.
    I am going to be discussing a mode of moral responsibility that anglophone philosophers have largely neglected. It is a type of responsibility that looks to the future rather than the past. Because this forward-looking moral responsibility is relatively unfamiliar in the lexicon of analytic philosophy, many of my locutions will initially strike many readers as odd. As a matter of everyday speech, however, the notion of forward-looking moral responsibility is perfectly familiar. Today, for instance, I said I would be (...)
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    From the Archives: William Richardson’s Questions for Martin Heidegger’s “Preface”.William J. Richardson, Richard Capobianco & Ian Alexander Moore - 2019 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 9:1-27.
    Martin Heidegger wrote one and only one preface for a scholarly work on his thinking, and it was for William J. Richardson’s study Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought, first published in 1963. Ever since, both Heidegger’s Preface and Richardson’s groundbreaking book have played an important role in Heidegger scholarship. Much has been discussed about these texts over the decades, but what has not been available to students and scholars up to this point is Richardson’s original comments and (...)
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    Sextus Pompey Sextus Pompey. By Moses Hadas, Ph.D. Pp. vi + 181. New York: Columbia University Press (London: Milford), 1930. Cloth, $2, or 10s. 6d. net. [REVIEW]G. W. Richardson - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (04):143-144.
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    Value.John Richardson - 1996 - In Nietzsche’s System. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter examines Nietzsche's values and weighs the extent to which these do and do not break radically from the values of his philosophical predecessors. I try to specify how his stance “beyond good and evil” involves critiques both of the content of earlier values, and of their force. His disagreements over content raise troubling questions about his politics and his ethics. His disagreements over the force of earlier values raise metaethical questions about how he can propose any values, given (...)
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  43.  59
    Nietzsche.John Richardson & Brian Leiter (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The latest volume in the Oxford Readings in Philosophy series, this work brings together some of the best and most influential recent philosophical scholarship on Nietzsche. Opening with a substantial introduction by John Richardson, it covers: Nietzsche's views on truth and knowledge, his 'doctrines' of the eternal recurrence and will to power, his distinction between Apollinian and Dionysian art, his critique of morality, his conceptions of agency and self-creation, and his genealogical method. For each of these issues, the papers (...)
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    Comments.William G. Bowen, William Massy, William C. Richardson, Henry Rosovsky & George Stigler - 1992 - Minerva 30 (2):175-188.
  45. Harman, G. and Thomson, JJ-Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity.H. S. Richardson - 1997 - Philosophical Books 38:218-220.
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    (1 other version)Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology.Robert C. Richardson - 2007 - Bradford.
    Human beings, like other organisms, are the products of evolution. Like other organisms, we exhibit traits that are the product of natural selection. Our psychological capacities are evolved traits as much as are our gait and posture. This much few would dispute. Evolutionary psychology goes further than this, claiming that our psychological traits -- including a wide variety of traits, from mate preference and jealousy to language and reason -- can be understood as specific adaptations to ancestral Pleistocene conditions. In (...)
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    Nietzsche’s System.John Richardson - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book argues, against recent interpretations, that Nietzsche does in fact have a metaphysical system--but that this is to his credit. Rather than renouncing philosophy's traditional project, he still aspires to find and state essential truths, both descriptive and valuative, about us and the world. These basic thoughts organize and inform everything he writes; by examining them closely we can find the larger structure and unifying sense of his strikingly diverse views. With rigor and conceptual specificity, Richardson examines the (...)
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  48. Carnap’s Construction of the World: The Aufbau and the Emergence of Logical Empiricism.Alan W. Richardson - 1997 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a major contribution to the history of analytic philosophy in general and of logical positivism in particular. It provides the first detailed and comprehensive study of Rudolf Carnap, one of the most influential figures in twentieth-century philosophy. The focus of the book is Carnap's first major work: Der logische Aufbau der Welt. It reveals tensions within the context of German epistemology and philosophy of science in the early twentieth century. Alan Richardson argues that Carnap's move to (...)
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    Nietzsche's new Darwinism.John Richardson - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Nietzsche wrote in a scientific culture transformed by Darwin. He read extensively in German and British Darwinists, and his own works dealt often with such obvious Darwinian themes as struggle and evolution. Yet most of what Nietzsche said about Darwin was hostile: he sharply attacked many of his ideas, and often slurred Darwin himself as mediocre. So most readers of Nietzsche have inferred that he must have cast Darwin quite aside. But in fact, John Richardson argues, Nietzsche was deeply (...)
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  50. Experience and Prediction: An Analysis of the Foundations and the Structure of Knowledge.Alan W. Richardson & Hans Reichenbach - 1938 - Chicago, IL, USA: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Hans Reichenbach was a formidable figure in early-twentieth-century philosophy of science. Educated in Germany, he was influential in establishing the so-called Berlin Circle, a companion group to the Vienna Circle founded by his colleague Rudolph Carnap. The movement they founded—usually known as "logical positivism," although it is more precisely known as "scientific philosophy" or "logical empiricism"—was a form of epistemology that privileged scientific over metaphysical truths. Reichenbach, like other young philosophers of the exact sciences of his generation, was deeply impressed (...)
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